Despite falling at a charity function, Halle Berry laughs: you can break your back sometimes

Despite falling at a charity function, Halle Berry laughs: you can break your back sometimes

Halle Berry, 56, on Saturday shared a cringe-worthy incident that occurred to her at a charity event with her Instagram followers.

On Friday, the actress was promoting Looking Beyond LA, a nonprofit that raises money for children with special needs, when she unintentionally tripped while climbing steps that led to a stage.

She shared the amazing moment’s footage, in which she can be seen laughing it off after two stagehands assist her in getting to her feet.

The attractive woman was dressed in a black suit with silver studs and matching black shoes.

She also wore hanging earrings and cut her blonde hair with blonde streaks short. In the caption, she provided more information regarding the video.

«You bust your a** sometimes! What took place was… Then that happened when my close friend

that raises money for kids with special needs. If you’d like to give, please visit I faceplanted. It’s worth it to have kids, she wrote.

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