Rio Ferdinand talks aboսt Victoria Beckham’s incredibly rigorous diet, saying, i’ve never seen her eat

Rio Ferdinand talks aboսt Victoria Beckham’s incredibly rigorous diet, saying, i’ve never seen her eat

It’s no secret that Victoria Beckham pays close attention to how she looks. She works out frequently and makes an effort to eat well.

But many people think the designer’s diet is excessive. David Beckham, her husband, once remarked that he had never met somebody more uninteresting.

«I have strong feelings about eating. I want everyone to taste the great things I eat. Unfortunately, I have been married to a woman who consumes the same foods for the past 25 years.

She has been eating fried fish and steamed vegetables ever since I first met her. And virtually never veers from this,» David remarked.

The other day, during a radio interview with Kyle and Jackie O, his coworker and friend Rio Ferdinand disclosed to reporters that he had never seen Victoria consume anything.

«I hardly recall that particular incident. And I really do have a good recall,» the former football player insisted. He concurred with this claim when questioned if Beckham is a kind person.

By the way, Victoria herself is open about the pretty extreme dietary restrictions she follows. She is adamant that everything she does is generally done to the extreme.

For instance, Beckham typically works out twice a day, early in the morning and late in the evening.

«My husband portrays me as uninteresting. Of course, he had never encountered somebody who was more strict about their diet than I was.

I make an effort to prioritize good fats like those found in avocados, seafood, nuts, etc. Simply put, I regularly plan detoxes for myself,» the famous person said at a press conference.

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