Spears fans have stated that the singer is dead. video coոfirmation has been pսblished

Spears fans have stated that the singer is dead. video coոfirmation has been pսblished

For several months now, strange publications on the page of Britney Spears have been puzzling her loyal fans.

The other day, information appeared in the foreign press explaining these ridiculous photos and videos.

Fans who have been following the work of a talented singer for many years are sure that their idol is not alive, and instead of her, a double is shown on social networks.

As proof of this theory, the authors of the article provide a detailed analysis of the latest video published in the account of Britney Spears.

It is clear that a montage is being displayed on the television in slow rewind if you pay close attention to the individual frames.

When the performer spreads her hands out in front of her, the singer’s face and chin appear to «slide»—her chin and eyes shift shape, making it obvious that a different person is filling in for her.

Spears’ fans, who number 41, were forced to concur with the article’s author in the comments:

When I gazed into Britney’s 25-year-old eyes, I realized that she wasn’t actually like this.
Britney Must Live!

It appears that the person on the other side has lighter eyes. Britney, in my opinion, is no longer with us. I had the impression that she needed help.