In a bаtհtub filled with transparent water, Alyssa posed fully expօsed

In a bаtհtub filled with transparent water, Alyssa posed fully expօsed

Popular Hollywood TV series star of the nineties Alyssa Milano, despite her age, continues to tease the public with candid shots.

On the last day of winter, which turned out to be rainy in America, the 50-year-old star decided to take a bath and relax.

The actress shared a hot photo on her Instagram page without shame, appearing completely naked in front of her subscribers.

Alice, best known for her role as Phoebe in the sci-fi series Charmed, crouched in clear water with her knees pressed to her chest, barely covering her spicy spots.

Milano plunged into the bath, without washing off her makeup from her face and taking off the massive jewelry around her neck, one of them was hiding between her breasts.

The star pinned her hair at the back so as not to get wet. In the background, there were several green plants that help Alice relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.

“There is nothing better than a hot salt bath when it is raining outside. Nothing,” wrote the 50-year-old actress under the image of a sexual character.

The star’s gorgeous forms were praised by followers in the comments, who were also amused by «18+» photos from the 1990s.

What a dream you are! I adore you. You appear lovely! Mermaid Goddess vibes from Phoebe Beauty

In your eyes, I can still make out the small girl. You look stunning, and this photo is beautifully done.

You are the most gorgeously beautiful woman on planet, Alyssa, my sweetheart. I’ve only ever opened my heart to one woman, and that was to you. I cherish you.

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