Shakira has met a new mysterious love and plans to get closer to a boyfrieոd. Pique calmed down

Shakira has met a new mysterious love and plans to get closer to a boyfrieոd. Pique calmed down

According to reports, the scandal surrounding Shakira and Gerard Piqué’s split will likely fade very soon, much to the joy of the former footballer’s admirers.

Recall that she wrote an extremely offensive diss, in which she not only called out his ex-girlfriend but also his new girlfriend, with whom he had a relationship long before he chose to break up with the singer.

Gerard didn’t say nothing in reply. He made several poignant gestures that hinted at his affection for Clara Chia and his intention to keep her close.

For several weeks, there was a barb-exchange that even affected Piqué’s mother. She assisted her son in keeping the relationship secret from Shakira, who despised her because of it, as the media discovered.

But all of the couple’s legal problems have now been resolved. Additionally, it appears that the loud scandal has been resolved on its own, as the singer intends to relocate to Miami.

The celebrity decided to relocate to Florida a long time ago. She only stayed in Barcelona for the athlete’s benefit.

And now she has yet another reason, according to the Spanish media, to relocate as quickly as possible to Miami.

The Spanish media report that the Colombian singer has a mysterious lover with whom she has been in touch for the past four months.

They claim that Miami is where the pair first met. About the singer’s supposed boyfriend, nothing else is known as of yet. Shakira’s supporters, however, were certain that she would not be left alone for an extended period of time.

According to reports, the celebrity will land in Florida on April 1.

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