I feel better than in 20 or 30. Aniston tօpless starred in a photo shoot for gloss

I feel better than in 20 or 30. Aniston tօpless starred in a photo shoot for gloss

Jennifer Aniston is one of the most reclusive Hollywood celebrities, despite her enormous popularity.

The 53-year-old actress’s private life is not well known. The Friends actress was married twice, the first time to Brad Pitt (2000–2005) and the second time to Justin Theroux (2015–2017),

both of whom were her co-stars. However, Jennifer never had children, and this is still one of her most difficult subjects to discuss.

The actress removed the shroud of secrecy from this chapter of her hectic life in a recent interview with Allure. The woman acknowledged that despite numerous attempts, she had never been able to conceive:

I made an effort to conceive. Having a child was a challenging route for me to go. I did everything—I tried IVF, I drank special Chinese tea.

These were challenging years during which I was the subject of ongoing speculation over my pregnancy. I made all effort possible.

She experienced a certain sense of relief once she made peace with her decision and accepted that she would not become a mother. This is evident from Anniston’s expression in the photographs from a magazine photo shoot.

The star was depicted on the cover wearing a black microbodice and pair of shorts.

In some images, the actress even assumes a topless position while concealing her chest with her long, wavy hair.

«I feel more confident about who I am now than I ever did in my 20s, 30s, or around 40. Jennifer Anniston argues in an interview that we need to stop being mean to ourselves.

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